I learned a long time ago that we all need a way to escape the daily stress of life. For me, the escape has always been reading. As an old English major, I’ve tried to better myself by reading the “gifts” of others. The following list has provided a profound impact on my coaching and life in general.


An in depth look into what it means to impact other lives. How we earn the right o be called “COACH.”

Focus on how we can be transformational in player’s lives. Beyond the wins and losses.

The “WHY” behind the reasons we coach.

The “art” of game planning. In any fundamental.

Insight on the things that matter from a nine-year veteran NFL player.

So, you really think you want to lead? Are you ready to sacrifice more than others?

Simple rules for living simply…

If you think it just happens…think again. Greatness is a difficult concept.

It takes years to build a championship, but days to tear it apart.

You think your journey is difficult? Welcome to adversity…

The price of leadership from the best,,,at least in my opinion.

Leading a purpose filled life every day…even when it’s difficult.